Speaking of people that don't deserve to be as poor as the rest of us, check out this article.
I had started a post a week or 2 ago in a weak attempt to showcase how much these geniuses get paid to bring the worlds economy to its knees. However, I didn't have the time to go scrounge up a bunch of info.
While I realize that these bailout plans aren't being given directly to the bank CEOs, however, ... ... well, here is an example:
Lehman Brothers paid Richard Fuld approximately $17,000 per hour (Based on earnings of more than $40 MILLION in 2007) to completely destroy Lehman Brothers. Had Lehman been bailed out, it would have taken more than $40M to clean up the mess. Therefore, it can be considered that a bailout would have helped to recover from his compensation package. THIS is my logic when I say that our government wants to use $700B of my taxes to pay this guy.
Seriously. Read the article. It is absolutely fucking mind blowing how much these cats were getting paid to destroy America's place in the world.
THIS is whyipaytaxes.
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