Massive Israeli air raids on Gaza
Israel set for prolonged Gaza op Israeli F-16 bombers hit targets across the Gaza Strip on Saturday, killing at least 227 people, local medics say. (Guess who sold them the f-16s?)
Taleban 'will kill school girls'
Many killed by Baghdad car bomb
Afghan police die in suicide bomb
Bomber targets Sri Lanka capital
Clashes mark final Kashmir poll
Pakistan MPs urge India restraint
US warning on South Asia tensionThe United States has urged India and Pakistan to avoid unnecessarily raising tension amid reports of troop movements to the border.
India Steps Up Diplomatic Pressure as Pakistan Redeploys Troops (bloomberg)
Just remember, when you hear Bush talk about how he's brought peace and stability, he simply means we haven't had an attack on our soil since the last one. I'll be the first to admit that these headlines weren't directly caused by Bush, but he's the one out there pumping up his legacy. Perhaps if he wasn't spending so much time and resources trying to talk the world into believing he did a bang up job, I wouldn't have felt it necessary to spend this much time pointing out that we're not out of the woods yet...
Bush on His Record(wsj)
"therefore the two-state solution led by a Palestinian Authority that recognized Israel has now come to be."
"broader "freedom agenda" in the Middle East. That agenda, he says, is working, [...] is really the only practical way to provide long-term security"
Bush stands by his time in office(bbc)
‘Good’ progress on Israeli-Palestinian peace: Bush(tin) (12/20/08) Bush said that there has been a “good deal” of progress in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process despite the failed effort to reach a settlement before he leaves office.
(anyone remember in January when Bush actually thought he'd have the Israelis and Palestinians singing Kum Bay Ya by the end of this year because he held a meeting for them in Maryland?)
Bush: Israeli-Palestinian peace possible within a year(th) (1/4/08)
Presidential Media Blitz to point out how good he was, because we would have never noticed it without his help...
THIS is whyipaytaxes:

1 comment:
Ahhhhh... In a sort of a sad, awwww, gonna miss tha guy...
I am. He's a walkin'-talkin' disaster. And I'll miss 'im.
Not what he's done, just the Laugh Machine.
It's sad, but that's who most of the world think we are here in the U.S.
But... Goddamn. He's a tragic figure.
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