If we can prevent the government from wasting the labor of the people
under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy. - Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Only rich special needs kids need special needs help (Bullshit Posturing Part 3)

Here's a bit about Mrs. Sarah 'I'm just like you because I keep having children until its statistically likely they will be born with severe defects' Palin. You remember her, the crazy lady that went on and on about how she would do everything in her power to put special needs kids high up on the administration's agenda because she understands what its like. She is just like you. *wink*

Unless, of course, she loses and a democrat offers the same thing without making a big fuss about it like she did. Part of the $787 BILLION ($98 BILLION) is intended for the Department of Education. Of that, they were to spend $12.9 BILLION at the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services. Of that, they wanted to give $12.9 MILLION to the Anchorage School District in Alaska so they could train special-education teachers. 5/4/09 Newsweek

The Gorilla from Wasilla gave a resounding No Thanks. Had she been stealing it directly from the coffers herself, it'd be more than cool. But if that rich yuppy terrorist wants to help our children, she says No Thanks, I've got a nanny for that. If her wheels weren't greased in making it all happen, then let the kids suffer. She has a point to make here!


THIS is whyalaskanspaytaxes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow.....are there words for how shameful this is?