I never realized, until recently, a pretty obvious use of some of lifes technical advances.
As we all know, there has never been a shortage of police ignorance. Many cops are simply people that couldn't elevate themselves into the position of power they crave any other way. They simply go to a laid back boot camp and suddenly a power over ANYONE has been bestowed along with a gun. Whats not to draw the ignorants?
What there WAS a shortage of until the last couple of decades were video cameras. Specifically, just about anyone and everyone having a camera and deciding to keep it rolling when they got pulled over or were about to experience any sort of interaction with the law.
Even more importantly was the shortage of methods for people to share these videos with each other al a YouTube.
In conclusion, do a few searches on YouTube with the keyword police and a mix of the following keywords: corruption, misconduct, arrogance, incompetence, etc. etc. The wealth of videos to watch will leave you both astounded and queasy. The fact that these guys have been given the right to take away your rights is absolutely amazing and a bit profound.
Don't get me wrong, cops provide a valuable service. I just don't know that mostly pretty poorly educated men should have quite so much power...
Special thanks to badphoenixcops.com for opening my eyes to this obviously rich source of angst against my government. (Not to mention a pretty entertaining read about a pretty darn corrupt police force)
Paying the salaries of incompetence...
THIS is whyipaytaxes.
Here's an example of corrupt cops displaying evidence of their corruption I ran into on Fark.com...
clickable this time... http://www.philly.com/philly/hp/news_update/20090330_Video_sharpens_focus_on_raid.html
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