If we can prevent the government from wasting the labor of the people
under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy. - Thomas Jefferson

Friday, June 5, 2009

Fallout boys

It has been more than 50 years since the British government thought it might be a good idea to take their bored troops, send them far away, (Easter Island, Australia, and others) and make them watch nuclear explosions. To be fair, some were allowed to wear sunglasses.
(The U.S. did the same, but we passed an act to provide compensation in the 1960 Radiation Exposure Compensation Act)

Rather than own up, the government has gone through various stages of denial. However, they must have figured out that enough of them have already died and that it might not be so catastrophic to compensate those who remain.

Rather than compensate the remaining victims, the High Court has ruled that these ex-servicemen are able to sue the government for compensation. Yes, even when they admit defeat, the ex-servicemen must go through the time and effort of suing the government to be compensated for being government issued guinea pigs over 50 years ago.

Years of denial, now years of trial. At least they can be proud of the actual compensation claims paid out...

THIS is whyBRITSpaytaxes.

Read More: Nuclear veterans win right to sue

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