If we can prevent the government from wasting the labor of the people
under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy. - Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

When you wish upon a star

When an 18 year old Belgian girl went in to get a tattoo, she went all out. She got stars across half her face. There is no mention of what she was on when she thought this was a good idea, but... ... I imagine it was good.

When she got home to daddy she got the reaction she had hoped for, outrage. But, it turned out to be a bit more outrage than she was prepared to handle so she went into defense mode and explained to daddy that it wasn't her fault. She is indeed a victim and one that he shouldn't be so angry at anymore.

Her claim is that she had asked for 3 stars but had fallen asleep and woke up right exactly when he finished the 56th star. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it just about fucking impossible to fall asleep when there is someone digging in your face with a needle stabbing you up to 3,000 times per minute? I'm sure she kinda got numbish in that area after awhile, but half of her face? (There is even one on her ear!)

His claim seems much more reasonable to me. After just about every star he stopped and asked her if she was certain she wanted him to continue, knowing full well that she would learn to regret this moment for the rest of her life. If you'll watch the BBC story clip, you'll even notice at the very end of the segment when they spend a tenth of the story time telling his side of the story, that he has her picture in his portfolio. In it, she is not smiling, but she is also not crying, running out of the parlor, or displaying any signs of distress. No, she's posing. Posing to display a job well done.

Of course, the moment she told her daddy the lie, she stuck to it and is suing the artist.

THIS is whybelgianspaytaxes.

read more: Belgian girl's tattoo 'nightmare' (bbc)

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