If we can prevent the government from wasting the labor of the people
under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy. - Thomas Jefferson

Sunday, January 17, 2010

All the love with none of the guilt and blame

While a bunch of the aid going to Haiti is already being funded by taxpayer's around the world, I found it interesting to see a 'new' 'charity' come available from the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science for this one at Non-Believers Giving Aid.

Its an interesting option for those of us who don't feel its necessary to bring god into every aspect of daily life and don't feel it necessary to provide guilt along with their helping hand.
(Pat Robertson claims this earthquake was caused by a large voodoo ceremony held by rebellious slaves on Aug. 14, 1791. Took 'im 219 years to make up for it, but Pat's God showed them whats what when it comes to voodoo...)

I'll also take a moment to reflect upon the fact that for all the horrible and/or pointless things we spend our taxes on, it all seems almost worth it to have an organization like our government where we can rapidly respond to those in need. Yes, from time to time, I'm proud to be a taxpayer.

THIS is whyipaytaxes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree- sometimes it's good to be a taxpayer. But I will add a caveat- can we spend the money differently....can we invest our assistance BEFORE ugly disasters happen? The fact that Port du Prince is on a fault is not new knowledge...nor is the knowledge their buildings won't withstand a quake- so why not invest our knowledge & skills in giving other countries the same standards we give to L.A. & San Fran.? Why not influence governments to change their land use & development patterns BEFORE the tsunami hits? Or the volcano erupts? Or the quake happens? I'm sure if we put the $X million carrot in front of developing nations to change their development it would be cheaper (both in human lives and dollars). Or we can just wait, gambling that the timing won't happen on our watch....and still have to pay painfully, after it has happened