If we can prevent the government from wasting the labor of the people
under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy. - Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Vetting presidential qualifications at every level of government

Lt Col Terrence 'More capable to judge than my entire command chain' Lakin refused his orders to deploy to Afghanistan. He refused his orders based on the popular hysterical conspiracy theory that Obama isn't eligible to be president. He stated that he would ONLY deploy once Obama's original birth certificate was released and verified.

I guess that this guy is able to spot a faker better than each and everyone of his superior officers, including the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Secretary of Defense himself. Screw the state of Hawaii for producing a certified birth certificate and whatever federal government group responsible for vetting the applications for being put on the ballot that OK'd Obama's election. Screw the fact that all of his co-workers and the entire country is OK with the evidence provided thus far. After all, this evidence only shows how far-reaching Obama's power to conduct this conspiracy is.

No sheep to no sham, Lakin stood his ground and refused to deploy. No matter that his orders came from a higher ranking officer whose qualifications aren't in question. Apparently, we are to assume that his orders were personally delivered by the president and that Lakin was the only person that could bring an end to the madness.

My favorite part is once the court martial got underway. Lakin realized that the only thing his douchebaggery has gotten him was his 15 minutes of [Fox News] fame, the end of his career, and a potential jail sentence. Suddenly, he can be heard saying its OK if his demands are refused because "I don't want it to end this way, I want to continue to serve."
Maybe you should have thought of that before you refused to do your job.

Court martial proceedings, potential jail time, and wasting the military's time on grooming a high level officer who can't be counted on to do what is asked of him.

THIS is whyipaytaxes.
read more:'Birther' army doctor Lakin convicted for not deploying(bbc)

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