This is one of those things that really drives me nuts when you look at it from a whole of humanity perspective...
By around the year 2020 or so, we, as a species, will have 5 completely separate but redundant satellite systems to facilitate navigation and global positioning. Of course, you are familiar with our system called GPS. Each of these systems will cover the entire globe, costs hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars to implement and require dozens of satellites that will consume valuable natural resources and human capital.
We have not decided to dedicate these redundant resources to feeding the hungry, curing incurable diseases, or exploring our options as the Earth will eventually become completely uninhabitable (whether by our hand, or by the demise of our sun).
Rather, we have decided it is more important to have complete control over where our missiles land without fear of foreign intervention in time of war.
Congratulations, humans, on choosing once again petty differences and a profound mistrust of each other over coming together to improve people's lives...
THIS is whyipaytaxes.
read more:China GPS rival Beidou starts offering navigation data(bbc)

At the next sign of logic, turn left
The first man made object ever to leave the influence of our solar system is just about there... Fun!
read more:Voyager 1 Speeds Toward The Brink Of Interstellar Space(npr)
1 comment:
Well, how else can a small group of dictators control the masses? It's a larger plot to increase the stupidity of the population and increase their trust & dependence in the government by encouraging them to forget how to use maps!
The machines will tell us what to do!
So you need lots of them so there's never a break in the system!
Or we're a highly wasteful species doomed to squander our resources without thought for the future.
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