If we can prevent the government from wasting the labor of the people
under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy. - Thomas Jefferson

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Thanks Israel! (Worldwide taxes epilogue)

Gaza rebuild 'to cost billions'(bbc)

Yes fellow taxpayers of the world, you are about to donate BILLIONS to the re-election campaign of the powers that be in Israel. They decided to have themselves a fancy little war against a mostly unarmed and fenced in population to prove to their constituents that they are tough on... ... Well, I'm not sure what they think they proved. Hamas is still up and running and able to resume launching rockets at their leisure.

Unless you consider bombing UN schools, murdering hundreds (I've heard thousands) of civilians, then paying to re-build it all a worthy price to pay for destroying a couple of tunnels. Next time, try cement, or a little dynamite. No need to drop bombs from the sky on children.

THIS is whyweallpaytaxes.

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