Madoff sends valuables to family(bbc)
Here's my working assumption on why this qualifies as a waste of taxpayer money:
There is a very vocal minority of people around the globe that seem to think that the US Government should have to reimburse Madoff's flock for his treachery. While this sounds ridiculous to you, it is only because you weren't foolish enough to become a member of the flock by investing your hard earned money with a scam artist. (artiste)
Apparently due diligence isn't something you should do before making your own decisions, good lord no, its something the government is supposed to do for you! (I'll put it to you this way: If I go out on a crime spree tonight, and start mugging little old ladies for their purses, is our government responsible to pay each lady I knock over? After all, the government should have known I was a risk!)
It is this very premise (The SEC should have caught him!) that is used to argue that our federal government should pay off the sheep that flocked to Madoff's promises of free money 'Just Because I'll Allow It.' Even those members of this flock that pay no taxes and have never even been to this country. Yes, our government is expected to keep the world safe from predators within our borders.
Ah, but I digress. Thats my overall view of the Madoff scandal, this post is meant to make fun of a very specific portion of my government wasting my money. In a wise attempt to get rid of his valuables before the fed freezes his assets, (well, they've already been frozen, but apparently Madoff doesn't realize what assets are, or what it means when the government freezes them) Madoff is sending out all the stuff in his home to his family and friends. Some of the packages he's sent out since being put under 'house arrest' was valued at over a MILLION bucks.
I take it House Arrest means tether only? Because there must not be anyone watching his house if no one wondered why the UPS truck comes by for a pick up every day...
If I do get caught mugging little old ladies tonight, do you suppose I could get house arrest? That sounds kinda bad ass.
Silver lining: It was members of Bernie's own family that turned him in. They got the million dollar package and called up the government to inquire as to whether or not anyone in the government was willing to pull his or her head out of his or her ass.
Technically, since this guy does not have the assets to cover what he has lost, it could probably be reasoned that we even paid for the postage...
THIS is whyipaytaxes.
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