If we can prevent the government from wasting the labor of the people
under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy. - Thomas Jefferson

Thursday, March 24, 2011

2 for 1

Its that much better when the city has to pay to repair two cop cars for the same mistake.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Saving Private Ryan - The shopping list

A US plane fell apart over Libya. The two man crew ejected to safety.

But they were in a bad place and they had just crashed their ride.

In the events that followed, the various forces were involved

1 EA F15E Strike Eagle Fighter Jet (+ weapons)
2 EA 500 lb laser guided bombs

2 EA AV-8B Harriers
1 EA F16 Fighter Jet
1 EA KC-130 Fuel Tanker
2 EA MV-22 Ospreys
2 EA CH-53 Sea Stallion helicopters
1 EA Platoon of Quick Reaction Marines
1 EA Flight to undisclosed location in Europe

All that and we only saved one of the 2 guys. The other one was found by Libyan Rebels and kept safe until he could be flown out to the aforementioned undisclosed location.

Cost of doing business!

THIS is whyipaytaxes.
read more:Timeline: U.S. forces hurried to rescue of two stranded airmen(cnn)

PS - Anyone wonder how the hell 2 laser guided bombs were consumed in a rescue mission? A group of Libyans were approaching one of the pilots, so one of the Harrier Jets dropped the bombs in between the Libyans and the pilot.
5 Libyans were injured by shrapnel from the explosion.
I did mention that the other pilot was saved by Libyans, right? Good thing we didn't bomb them too...