If we can prevent the government from wasting the labor of the people
under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy. - Thomas Jefferson

Sunday, April 4, 2010


A 12 year old girl got caught writing on her desk at school with a marker. Her overzealous teacher summarily dragged her to the overzealous principal's office who decided only the police could properly handle such an outrage. When the overzealous officers arrived, they cuffed her and did a perp walk out to the car. She was tried and convicted in a 'Family Court', sentenced to 8 hours of community service and an essay about what she's learned from the ordeal.

Having been chapped from being so spanked, our little graffiti artist got her overzealous father to call some overzealous lawyers to sue both the school district and police department. All the pain and suffering endured by this poor girl must be worth at least $1 MILLION. After all, she was in custody almost the whole day!

The head lawyer in the case Joseph "Opportunity Knocks" Rosenthal, wants to be clear: "We want to stop this from happening to other young children in the future."
Because it has nothing to do with the MILLION bucks...

Overzealous government staffers open the door for overzealous lawyers. And I haven't even mentioned the janitor's time involved in cleaning the desk...

THIS is whynewyorkerspaytaxes.

read more: US girl sues for $1m over arrest for desk scribble(bbc)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. This...this is what having the bottom of our maslowvian pyramid has led to. Not self-actualization, spiritual growth or contemplation of karmic relations. Arresting a kid for writing on a desk. This is what happens when you no longer worry about shelter, food and water.

I'm 32 years old and still can't resist a good, clean desk...especially the soft wood panel on the seat in front of me for leaving my mark. And I've been a lifetime bathroom stall artwork connoisseur- I'd hate to see the world deprived of bathroom epiphanies.....