If we can prevent the government from wasting the labor of the people
under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy. - Thomas Jefferson

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Greasing their poles

The cops in Philadelphia are applying a thick coat of grease to all light and sign poles, bus shelters and trees in the downtown area. Police Lt. Frank Vanore says the department is "trying to prevent people from getting too crazy and climbing up there."

This is in response to their World Series victory last year, as the police seek to limit the looting and damage caused by the citizen's celebrations.

I guess this *might* bring about a reduction in uninsured dumbasses falling out of trees, hurting themselves, and being given a trip to the emergency room that they cannot afford. However, I can't possibly fathom a way in which buying a thick lubricating jelly and taking the time to smear it over everything, including trees, is supposed to limit looting or protect taxpayers interests in anyway.

I guess adding buckets of grease to the city's waste water system is cheaper than putting a few more cops on duty that night...

THIS is whyphiladelphianspaytaxes.

read more: Greasing poles in case of a Phillies victory (philly.com)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Bath time!

A special shower built for French President Sarkozy ended up giving the European Union taxpayers a bath.

This shower was custom built for the 5'5" world leader and included built-in massage and surround sound radio functions. Before you go and get envious, consider the 276,000 Euros ($407,410) it cost to build it. Suddenly, you don't even want one of your own, do you?...

So, almost a half a million bucks for a bath tub... Not the worst example of tax funds wasted, but certainly up there. Until, that is, you consider the following:
This shower was BUILT FOR A 3 DAY SUMMIT!!!
But wait, there's more:
It has since been dismantled.

Yes. This custom built shower was built for a guy who lived 10 minutes away. As most of us would, throughout the summit, he simply ran home to grab a quick shower when he needed one.

A couple other items mentioned that were purchased for this Union of the Mediterranean Summit includes a $132,799 carpet and a $442,664 podium. Apparently this podium included a live-in person to provide oral sex for the speaker. After all, you wouldn't want to speak to the Union of the Mediterranean with just any ol' podium...

THIS is whyEUROPEANSpaytaxes.

Read more: Row over Sarkozy's costly shower(bbc)