If we can prevent the government from wasting the labor of the people
under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy. - Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Its no wonder Senate can't get anything done

Mitch "Goin' Nowhere, Slow" McConnell, sorry, Senator Goin' Nowhere, Slow McConnell has really demonstrated some of the solid legistlatin' their getting done up in the Senate by filibustering a bill he brought before the Senate.

Yes. That's right.

Mitch proposed they vote on a bill he had written.

Apparently, being a Senator is all the qualification you need to have the Senate vote on a bill, so they decided to have a vote on Mitch's bill. Nice group, these Senators. Very cordial.

"Now hold on just a minute here," squealed Mitch. "We can't vote on this!"

Yup. The Senate has become little more than a forum where a single befuddled white man can bring the progress of this great nation to a screeching halt while he takes center stage to mutter aimlessly to himself about how great his ideas are, if only they didn't suck.

Seriously, if your elderly parent were acting in this way, you'd immediately start thinking about the options for  professional care. Imagine. Your mother excitedly runs around the house and gathers everyone in the the living room. Once everyone is gathered around, she says "I think we should take a trip to Acapulco " You slowly say, "Okaayyy... Let's talk about that." To which she responds, "What, are you stupid? I think its a terrible idea! The bugs this time of year are terrible!" 

So, there you go. Fuck fixing this country. Lets just watch a confused douche bag argue with himself. That's what we'll do with our time. Right on.

THIS is whyipaytaxes.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Interesting Math Problem

$182 BILLION of your tax dollars goes to AIG, cause we couldn't let THEM fail. After all, our government's friends in the banking and insurance industries couldn't possibly be left on the hook for the bets they placed. Somebody had to bail them out, why not you and me?

$23.3 BILLION has been recuperated so far by selling it back.
$158.7 BILLION is what we are still owed.
$30 BILLION is the value of what we still have.

$128.7 BILLION is ... well, I guess I don't have an answer. Where is it? Who'd we give it to? Why the fuck did we throw $130 BILLION into a fucking sink hole?

Fear not, my friends, for our government's pals at AIG have turned that baby around and made it profitable once again. They're expected to haul in about $7.4 BILLION in free and clear profit. So... Now that they're profitable... NOW is the time we're going to give up our controlling interest? The fuck?

Meanwhile, the CEO, Robert "Math Whiz" Benmosche has the fucking audacity to claim they will pay our government back "plus a profit." Maybe I'm not that good at subtraction, and I am certain there is a lot going on that I don't understand, but he should probably shut his fucking pie hole and stop pretending like he's doing us some sort of a fucking favor.

Pardon my French there. Its just that I'm a little pissed off is all...

THIS is whyipaytaxes.
read more: Treasury to Cut AIG Stake Below Half in $18B Sale(abc)

Monday, September 3, 2012

The Federal Reserve Gave Away Our National Debt

I don't even keep this blog updated any longer, but this one... wow. This one has to be logged somewhere so I can turn back to it on those rare occasions where I have hope for humanity. If I ever get to thinking that maybe America hasn't peaked and maybe some of our best days lie ahead of us, this is where I'll turn to crush those thoughts and remind myself that we have turned a corner from which there is no coming back, that the power structure in place has stacked the deck in its favor so thoroughly that they won't even have to maintain the facade of 'equality' for much longer. They can do as they please and our only recourse is to watch them pillage and plunder as they see fit.

Thanks to Senators Ron Paul and Alan Grayson, the GAO (Government Accountability Office) has conducted an audit on the Federal Reserve. Of course with folks like Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan and other bankers fighting this audit tooth and nail, claiming catastrophic damages to the world economy (hmmm, notice a pattern anyone?), the language of the bill got watered down to avoid a thorough audit. Check out what just a peek under the rug has shown:

In the 2.5 years from December 2007 to June 2010, The Federal Reserve, who "was founded by Congress in 1913 to provide [our] nation with a safer, more flexible, and more stable monetary and financial system" has proven they no longer have the American people in mind when making their decisions. Instead, they seek only to give our tax dollars to their friends in the banking system throughout the world.

  • In those 2.5 years, they gave over $16 TRILLION ($16,000,000,000,000) to failing banks and corporations.
  • This cash was sent around the world - they didn't even give all this money to banks and corporations in our country. (Not that multi-nationals are even really from our country anymore...)
  • They did this without public discourse.
  • In fact, they didn't even tell Congress in order to avoid any private discourse.
  • It wasn't discussed by anyone. The few in charge made the decision to give it all away.
For perspective on what $16 TRILLION means to the U.S.
  • Our national GDP is $14.12 TRILLION
  • Our national debt is $14.5 TRILLION
  • Yes. They gave away more than everything we are worth in a year.
  • Yes. If they hadn't done this, we wouldn't have ANY national debt. (I'm not going to prove the math, but the logic is there.)
Imagine how different our national discussion would be right now if we weren't trying to get our heads around a skyrocketing national debt. Imagine what we could focus on if we weren't being subjected to scare tactics about tax increases and how hard our kids are going to have it. Imagine if our surplus were used to reinforce our safety net. If you and I could count on social security and medicare to still be a real thing when we retire and need it most.

Screw our country, lets take the whole of humanity perspective. Imagine if this money had been used to feed the hungry or stamp out disease in third world countries. Imagine if we used this money to really start finding a way to reduce our dependency on this planet. NASA gets a $20 BILLION budget while the Fed gets to use $16 TRILLION to pick and choose its favorite banks and corporations. Check that. They don't pick their favorite banks and corporations - they get to pick their favorite bank and corporation OWNERS.

So, who the fuck is so important that we'll give away 'loans' (at 0% interest with no payback requirements) of this magnitude? Here's a list of the ones we are now aware of. I'm afraid of what we aren't aware of, because the Fed obviously doesn't think it should be checked or balanced by any other branch of our government and that they don't have to tell us shit about what they are doing with our money.
  • Citigroup - $2.513 TRILLION
  • Morgan Stanley - $2.041 TRILLION
  • Merrill Lynch - $1.949 TRILLION (failed anyway, became a part of Bank "of" America)
  • Bank of America - $1.344 TRILLION
  • Barclays - $868 BILLION (A bank from the United Kingdom)
  • Bear Stearns - $853 BILLION (failed anyway, became a part of JP Morgan Chase)
  • Goldman Sachs - $814 BILLION
  • Royal Bank of Scotland - $541 BILLION (Another bank from the United Kingdom)
  • Deutsche Bank - $354 BILLION (A bank from Germany)
  • United Bank Suisse - $287 BILLION (A bank from Switzerland)
  • JP Morgan Chase - $391 BILLION
  • Credit Suisse - $262 BILLION (Another bank from Switzerland)
  • Lehman Brothers - $183 BILLION (failed anyway)
  • Bank of Scotland - $181 BILLION (Yet another bank from the United Kingdom)
  • BNP Paribas - $175 BILLION (A bank from France)
  • Wells Fargo - $159 BILLION
  • Dexia - $159 BILLION (A bank from Belgium)
  • Wachovia - $142 BILLION (failed anyway, became a part of Wells Fargo)
  • Dresdner Bank - $135 BILLION (Another bank from Germany)
  • Societe Generals - $124 BILLION (Another bank from France)
And then there is a catchall line item:
  • All other borrowers - $2.639 TRILLION (What the fuck does all other borrowers mean?)
So the next time Romney tries blaming Obama or Obama tries blaming Bush for the mess we are in, remember, we shouldn't even be in a fucking mess right now. Our own Central Bank took it upon themselves to ensure our national debt reached epic proportions in order to ensure their friends in the banking system did not take losses on the bets they placed. Instead, they used their unchecked power to SECRETLY ensure WE took the losses on the bets THEY placed.

I don't really see anything we can do about this. But, for the love of your country, if you still bank with any of the entities above, at the very least, pull your money out immediately. Buy some silver and just take as much of your money right out of the financial system as you can.

We need to be rioting in the streets, but they pay the law enforcement that will be forced to lock us up to shut us up. And should we try to organize, they'll use their friends in the media to paint us as a bunch of crazy left wing fanatihippies.

THIS is whyipaytaxes.
PLEASE read:
The GAO report itself
Senator Bernie Sander's post about the audit
First Audit Results In The Federal Reserve’s Nearly 100 Year History Were Posted Today, They Are Startling! (BIN)
I had thought I seen the worst of it back in November: Of the people, but not for the people(wipt)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What happened in Vegas...

... I actually kinda wish would have stayed in Vegas. It hurts to think about this one. It certainly puts my post about the Rockford Public School District's $18,000 conference at $1,285 a head in Chicago to shame...

The General Services Administration, the facilities managers of the US Government (buildings, leases, rentals, properties, etc.), is a group you'd expect to be pretty well versed on fiscal restraint and finding deals to be had. But, OH NO... Instead, they had their Western Regions Training Conference in Vegas, spending 2,783 taxpayer dollars a head for a total cost of $835,000. These 300 people were treated to:
  • A mind reader - 3,200 taxpayer dollars
  • A commemorative coin set in velvet boxes - 6,300 taxpayer dollars
  • A training exercise to build a bicycle - 75,000 taxpayer dollars
  • Canteens, key chains and t-shirts - 6,000 taxpayer dollars
  • A clown (I'd love to know what he was paid)
  • A comedian (ditto)
  • Awards for a participant talent show held as an excuse to treat everyone to dinner
  • Treating everyone to dinner (But let's be reasonable here. Even if they had to expense their own meals, they were still government employees expensing their meals to the taxpayers...)

Setting this kind of baby up costs money too:
  • Airfare and lodging sending the planners on six trips to the venue to set it up - 147,000 taxpayer dollars (Because, you know, you can't set this sort of beauty up over the phone)
  • A finder's fee to book this place that can't even remotely set up a conference - 12,000 taxpayer dollars
One of the worst parts? The news broke THIS WEEK about a conference that happened 18 months ago! That means the motherfuckers spending this kind of money as 'servants' of the public had a good solid run at just covering this up and making it go away. You gotta ask yourself, how much of this shit are they getting away with?

Luckily a hero from within the GSA reported this gross misappropriation of taxpayer dollars. Thank you, GSA Employee. Thank you.

So... What exactly were they being trained for again???

THIS is whyipaytaxes...

Friday, March 30, 2012

BIG brother

Wow... Though this Executive Order has been around since Truman (no big surprise there), I did not realize what our government is prepared to do at any time they decide it is necessary.

I mean, I'm not really surprised, but after reading the Executive Order in its entirety (do I know how to celebrate my Friday nights, or what?!) I'm quite ill at ease about seeing the ways our government plans to implement martial law "during peacetime, graduated mobilization, and national emergency."

Here is a paragraph derived mostly from a Snopes article describing it in an alarmist way. They say it is a false claim in that the government doesn't actually have the power, but they do have plans on the books to make it so:
  • The National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order [defines the need for plans that] allows the nationalization of pretty much the entire USA, even in peace time, if the President desires.
  • They can, under this order, restrict civilian travel by any mode. They can close our roads, highways and interstates, they can set up check points anywhere.
  • They can ration food, gasoline and electricity.
  • They can restrict water usage, even from private wells.
  • They can ration health care, including any and all drugs, including OTC and vitamins.
  • They can collectivize farms and the food processing/distribution system.
  • They can take over all energy production, including home solar units.
  • They can take over our factories and command what they should produce.
  • They can take charge of the resources (natural or otherwise) needed to keep the nationalized factories churning.
  • They can draft civilians into the military.
  • If they have need of your skills, they can compel you to work for no compensation.
I am pretty sure this isn't what our founding fathers had in mind when discussing and framing our liberties and freedoms... And just because they're planning it without having executed it doesn't really make it much better, in spite of what the press would have you believe.

And that they can implement these plans at any time by declaring a "National Emergency" is just plain old messed up. Technically, they don't even have to do that!

This is why I keep saying: We need more options. We need a party that would see this and say "WOAH! I AIN'T SIGNING THAT SHIT!" Every president, republican and democrat for over 50 years has put their name at the bottom of revisions of this Executive Order. I think we deserve a president that wouldn't dare sign off on such an un-American travesty of everything we supposedly stand for.

Meanwhile, the media keeps us busy arguing about who is gonna pay for condoms, whether or not we'll be forced to buy health insurance, and how each state is going to vote for Romnetorum...

THIS is whyipaytaxes.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Oklahoma takes the bull by the horns

Finally, the Oklahoma state government is taking care of the big problems. None of this sissy budget balancing for them. After all, how can a state possibly go on without an official state motto?

They do have a state slogan on the state seal, but who the heck can get up in the morning to "Labor Omnia Vincit" (Labor Conquers All Things)? Screw that bullshit, they need a good solid American motto they can feel proud of. Something original.

In God We Trust.
YEEEEEE HAAAAWWWW! Now that's a motto that will put hair on your chest.

At least the article I read quoted State Rep. Ryan "Are you fucking kidding me?" Kiesel in saying this resolution is a "frivolous waste of legislative time."

THIS is why
read more:Oklahoma Could Soon Have New State Motto(koco)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

NDAA - Natural Disposition to Apprehend Americans

Meh... Bad title... This whole post is just an excuse to re-post of a Facebook rant I wrote tonight. It has everything to do with this blog, in that our tax dollar supported government is doing shit that is most-certainly not in our best interest... This is far more political than I like to go with this blog, but at least I show that my intent is non-partisan (even though the hate is directed at the current president).

Straight to the rant:
A post and some responses led me to write an Obama is better than Bush comment on a friends wall. In it, I referred to wars and Bin Laden - easy pickin's for a Obama vs. Bush thread. However, with my bent on moderation and the necessity for more political parties and less polarization, I couldn't go out like that. So, I took a minute to articulate my main hate on Obama too. Having finally put words to a thought that has been bugging me for a few weeks, I thought I'd cut'n'paste 'n' share:
Why Obama should indeed be shown the door:

1.) He is the first president in the history of our great nation that signed a bill into law allowing the federal government to apprehend and detain any one of us as long as they want. The only requirement is that they claim the detention is based on suspicion of "terrorism or supporting terrorists." That he signed it 'reluctantly' is irrelevant. That the current administration may never use this power is irrelevant. That our government can abduct us and make us disappear is unacceptable.

2.) The federal government has equated cannabis use as terrorism in the past. In an ad ran by the Office of National Drug Control Policy during the Bush years, "Sharing a joint in your friend's back yard" was described as support of terrorism.

Put 1 and 2 together and we are not that far away from the government rounding up pot heads and detaining them indefinitely, without charges, without the ability to defend themselves in the courts. While this is extreme and highly unlikely, Obama's signature on that bill make this a possibility. That some future administration, in even more polarized times may take up the mantle of ending the war on drugs once and for all, is a possibility that seems unimaginable today.

Again, I point out that we need more options because it is starting to feel like 1984 up in here. With republicans we're screwed, with democrats we're shafted. Either way, I'm not loving it, no matter how many times McDonalds tries to tell me otherwise.

After reviewing the cut'n'paste, I realized it is a bit centered on cannabis users. While some of the best people I know regularly use cannabis, I'm trying to illustrate the truly profound depth of this law. While it is easy to draw the connection to highlight the contrast between everyone's favorite pot head and people who support terrorists, I'm not just talking about hungry people that don't feel like getting off the couch to find food. The vagueness of the terrorism charges is intense and by being forbidden due process, the government cannot be held accountable. A sitting administration can round up its opposition, claim terrorism, and lock them up. Period. No review. No chance to call bullshit. Nothing. Gone for good with no avenue for recourse.

Not acceptable. We need to be far more pissed off about this than we are. Screw the 99% vs. 1%... The Patriot Act didn't even go this far. This is the kind of thing we expect from China, Russia, or Saudi Arabia. This is not what we expected the founding father's vision of freedom in our country to turn into.

THIS is whyipaytaxes.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Crack patrol

Its kinda like a light bulb joke, but the punchline kinda pisses you off...

Q: How many government agencies does it take to put a guy with $200 of crack on him in jail for 2 weeks?

  • Special Assistant United States Attorney, Justin Lightfoot
  • the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Task Force
  • the Linn County Sheriff’s Office
  • the Cedar Rapids Police Department
  • the Marion Police Department
  • the Iowa City Police Department
  • the Clinton Police Department
  • the Iowa Division of Narcotics Enforcement
  • the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
  • the Sixth Judicial District Department of Correctional Services
  • the Iowa National Guard
THIS is whyipaytaxes.
Sometimes, I find the story already put together for me: How Many Law Enforcement Agencies Does it to Take to Prosecute One Man for Buying $200 Worth of Crack?(reason.com)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tax Protester FAQ

Not something I made, but something right up this blog's alley...

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Unemployed gangs

$30,000 in unemployment benefits were provided to local gangs in Los Angeles on behalf of Anthony "can't find work in jail" Garcia.

Garcia wasn't the sharpest pencil in the box, having been arrested for a murder after having some of the evidence of the murder scene tattooed on his chest.

But he still proved to be too spry of a crook for the unemployment office to catch on to his scam that had family members collecting $1,600 per month from October 2008 to March of 2010.

Checks, balances, aww, forget it...

THIS is whyipaytaxes.
read more: Father & Girlfriends of Inmate Arrested for $30,000 Unemployment Fraud(

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Final exam

This Graphic brought to us by Americans Against The Tea Party.

THIS is whyfloridianspaytaxes.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Another life improved

Watch this video. Its all quite self explanatory...

Taxpayers have spent over $70,000 to send a kid that can't even string a sentence together to music school. Oh, and his county gives him cash for rent, even though he doesn't pay rent.

THIS is whyipaytaxes.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Legistlaters gonna legislate

Now that we've established that pizza is a vegetable and re-affirmed our national motto, lets get down to some serious work!