If we can prevent the government from wasting the labor of the people
under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy. - Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Its no wonder Senate can't get anything done

Mitch "Goin' Nowhere, Slow" McConnell, sorry, Senator Goin' Nowhere, Slow McConnell has really demonstrated some of the solid legistlatin' their getting done up in the Senate by filibustering a bill he brought before the Senate.

Yes. That's right.

Mitch proposed they vote on a bill he had written.

Apparently, being a Senator is all the qualification you need to have the Senate vote on a bill, so they decided to have a vote on Mitch's bill. Nice group, these Senators. Very cordial.

"Now hold on just a minute here," squealed Mitch. "We can't vote on this!"

Yup. The Senate has become little more than a forum where a single befuddled white man can bring the progress of this great nation to a screeching halt while he takes center stage to mutter aimlessly to himself about how great his ideas are, if only they didn't suck.

Seriously, if your elderly parent were acting in this way, you'd immediately start thinking about the options for  professional care. Imagine. Your mother excitedly runs around the house and gathers everyone in the the living room. Once everyone is gathered around, she says "I think we should take a trip to Acapulco " You slowly say, "Okaayyy... Let's talk about that." To which she responds, "What, are you stupid? I think its a terrible idea! The bugs this time of year are terrible!" 

So, there you go. Fuck fixing this country. Lets just watch a confused douche bag argue with himself. That's what we'll do with our time. Right on.

THIS is whyipaytaxes.

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