If we can prevent the government from wasting the labor of the people
under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy. - Thomas Jefferson

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Children in cars

No shortage of keeping the taxpayer funded traffic cops of the world busy...

In Australia, one driver had his priorities straight. When pulled over, the constable discovered that while he and his passengers had taken the time to use the meatbelt to strap in a 30 pack of beer, they were allowing a 5 year old child sit bitch on the floor in the back seat. (meatbelt=seatbelt, sittin' bitch=sitting in the middle, in this case, on the hump in the floor)
The driver couldn't fathom why he was getting a ticket for a child not wearing a meatbelt.
Aussie straps in beer, not child(bbc)

In Canada, a rather brilliant man had his 7 year old son take a drive on a rainy day. What makes this fellow particularly brilliant is the fact that he filmed it, then posted the video on YouTube. I'll bet his wife was pissed, right? Nope, she was in the back seat.
He could be heard egging the child on at 25mph and was beaming with pride when the kid got up to 45mph.
Did I mention that it was raining? Good day to start teaching your kid how to drive!
Canada probes child driver video(bbc)

Proof that traffic cops are well worth the money...

THIS is whywepaytaxes.

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