If we can prevent the government from wasting the labor of the people
under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy. - Thomas Jefferson

Sunday, January 30, 2011

DHS becomes DLS

Another tough one here. This reason for spending our tax dollars is beyond reproach - I just like pointing out why it is we pay our taxes...

We now have Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) Agents from the Department of Homeland Security in countries around the world placed there simply to defend those countries against American criminals. Specifically we're after those creepy enough to go on vacation looking for underage prostitutes. Their goal is to find these creeps and instead of letting them bribe their way out of local trouble, we bring them back to the U.S. for some real justice.

I bring this up because of the apparent inconsistencies.
1.) They are IMMIGRATION agents. They are not MIGRATION agents. Lets use our border patrols to patrol our borders. Let them work on catching people coming into our country, not leaving it.
2.) Though it has long been 'proven' that 'Home'land Security begins in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan, we should really take a moment to inform our government that those countries are not our HOMEland.
3.) Imagine the costs involved in maintaining a force in other countries, in shipping the creeps back for a full blown trial, and all this process entails simply because we don't trust their courts to punish our citizens severely enough for crimes against their citizens.

Here's my point - We can't turn the Department of Homeland Security into the Department of Land Security because it is the most appropriate group of agents to spread thin. If this is a problem that we feel must be addressed, then lets take care of it. Lets create the Department of Saving Others From Ourselves and staff it to the brim with special agents trained to put an end to child/sex/slavery. Let the DSOFO find their own funding and lobbyists and support in congress. Don't tell me I'm paying for border agents to keep me safe, then send those agents a half a planet away from the borders I've been told their guarding.

Our border agents protecting their borders...

THIS is whyipaytaxes.

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