If we can prevent the government from wasting the labor of the people
under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy. - Thomas Jefferson

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Could we waste a little more money, please?

This one is about a month old. Oldie, but goodie.
New Billions in Earmarks Approach Enactment (NYT)
What's In It for Me? (Slate) (A look at what it takes to get a particular Congressperson to vote yes on a bailout bill & where I found the NYT article)

How about we throw down $2 MILLION on studying hibernating animals?
How about we throw down a total of $630 BILLION dollars to fund 2,300 of our Congress' pet projects?
What the hell, Why not? Its not like we're in a state of financial meltdown or anything.

The winner of the most pork going their way: My favorite Senator, Senator Ted "Who's gonna buy daddy a new basement?" Steven's of Alaska! With 39 items totaling $238.5 MILLION, good ol' Ted has ensured that all Americans pay for pet projects that only Alaskan residents can enjoy. (Thanks to: Taxpayer's for Common Sense)I hope he reaps the rewards of his pork from behind bars. No wonder the Alaskans voted for him again...

Thanks Congress.

THIS is whyipaytaxes.

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