If we can prevent the government from wasting the labor of the people
under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy. - Thomas Jefferson

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Matters of significant importance

Apparently Florida has their act together. Nothing left to legislate or debate. They must have everything all wrapped up, because last Tuesday there were no economic problems, no education problems, nothing better to discuss at all than whether or not their citizens should be able to hump their pets.

After all, according to the Humane Society, there is a direct link between bestiality and sex crimes against human. What rapist doesn't get all fired up before the big night by fucking a sheep?

THIS is whyfloridianspaytaxes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey, I checked out that link to Taxpayers for Common Sense and found a nice little article on FL using stimulus money on a bridge residents don't even want. Perfect example of planning based on future development that won't happen since the housing bust but let's build the bridge anyway.