If we can prevent the government from wasting the labor of the people
under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy. - Thomas Jefferson

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Am I an artist?

'Cause if I am, I can get the Taxpayers of Rockford, Illinois to pay my rent for me!

That's right. As he slashes budgets around town, from the Library to the Fire Department, Rockford Mayor Larry Morrisey has hired a well-paid consultant to organize subsidized housing in the downtown area for anyone who considers themselves an artist or musician.

I design packaging and other graphic arts, could I get someone to pay my rent if I moved to Rockford?
How about a talentless bass player with no future beyond a local band who gives nothing more back to their community other than an annoying racket at a local dive bar? S/He would certainly be a 'musician.' Does that mean s/he qualifies for free rent?

I can see the need for arts and culture in any downtown setting... But do we really have to pay for the artist's rent? (And do we have to pay a salary to a guy to set up the payments?)

THIS is whyrockfordianspaytaxes.

read more: Bringing A New Element to Downtown Rockford(msl)

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