If we can prevent the government from wasting the labor of the people
under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy. - Thomas Jefferson

Friday, January 15, 2010

Department of Photoshop

Guess who this is.
Go ahead, guess...

Did anyone guess a figment of the US State Departments imagination? If so, you're absolutely right! * SEE COMMENTS FOR AN UPDATE*

Yes... State was feeling lonely and hadn't received any pictures or videos from their pen pal Bin Laden in quite some time so they decided to imagine what he might look like today.

Hey... Its easier than actually looking for the guy.

THIS is whyipaytaxes.

And just how lost is our government in the *ahem* 'hunt' for Bin Laden if they resort to this as a way to flush him out? Apparently, by the image, they wonder if he's been hiding in plain site, far away from the caves of Afghanistan.


taxpayer said...

It gets better! The correct answer to my initial question is not a figment of State's imagination. No, instead its what the children of Bin Laden and Gaspar Llamazares (A politician in Spain) would look like!

Seriously, the FBI made the picture for State and admitted that a forensic artist had obtained certain facial features "from a photograph he found on the internet."

So they had some bored intern downloading pictures to cut and paste onto stock photos of Bin Laden and called it an official representation of what Bin Laden looks like today after a decade's worth of aging, and possible changes to facial hair.

Now Mr. Llamazares is afraid to visit the U.S. for being picked out as a potential Bin Laden...

Anonymous said...

I love how the right eyebrow is a bit darker- like he got ahold of some ladies' makeup kit.

Well, the people who've been assigned the task- 'find him'- have to have SOMETHING tangible to show their boss...."look man, I've been trying to find him! I even made pictures of what his kids would look like!!"

And how goofy of a task- find 1 person out of 7billion. It's even more irrational than my hoping to win the powerball!