If we can prevent the government from wasting the labor of the people
under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy. - Thomas Jefferson

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

This looks like a job for Nancy Killefer!

You all remember Nancy Killefer, of course. She's the additional layer of beureaucracy that's going to make our government all efficient and shit. The, uhhh, chief performance officer, if you will.

Well, here's her first gig: Make the TRILLION or so stimulus package work.

Some cuts and some pastes from Slate:
How much of this $356 billion in job-creating money will go out the door between now and Sept. 30? Only $29 billion!
less than half of the appropriations in the stimulus bill will be spent within the next two years.
less than one-tenth of the appropriations will be spent during the current fiscal year, which still has eight months to go.

Basically, everything has got to go to bid. Basically, no one has had the time to schmooze the new government yet, so they haven't decided which company is 'best' for the people...

Now is a GREAT time to know someone working in the government because they're gonna be shitting cash soon. Oh man... Some bastards are going to get right rich, right quick. I just hope their products are better than KBR or Halliburton... I wonder if we're going to buy some new defense contractors? Hmmm...

Mountains of red tape...

THIS is whyipaytaxes.

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