If we can prevent the government from wasting the labor of the people
under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy. - Thomas Jefferson

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Bailing out... The War On Drugs!

Banks need money. Wall street firms need money. Auto makers need money. People that bought bigger homes than they could afford and signed contracts they didn't read need money. 31 State Governments are woefully in the hole and need money. Many children have been left behind due to a poorly funded plan to avoid just that, being left behind. Can't give kids S-CHIP insurance 'cause its too expensive. Can't swing re-building the ghettos of New Orleans quite yet. Seniors pinched due to rising pharma costs. College Students can't get loans to finish their educations.

But fuck all that, we have more important things to spend our money on. Like killing Mexicans! We have this snazzy little War on Drugs that we're going to win any day now. Just you watch, today's $197 MILLION (of the $400 MILLION promised in the Merida Initiative) is gonna be the ticket. Mission Accomplished.

US gives Mexico anti-drug funding (bbc)

Stimulating our economy by giving away cash to the cops in other countries...

THIS is whyipaytaxes.

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