If we can prevent the government from wasting the labor of the people
under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy. - Thomas Jefferson

Friday, December 19, 2008

Plasma TVs, laptops, and over priced boats for Katrina recovery

What does a 63" Plasma TV have in common with Air Force One?
I pay for both and enjoy neither.

Ok. Weak intro... I got desperate there.

However, its true. Along with a nice TV that probably cost a lot more than the nicest TV I've ever dreamed of buying (you know, the ones I have to walk by to get to the less than 20" section), over 100 laptops, 20 boats and a litany of other items were purchased by FEMA using credit cards provided by Homeland Security. The cards were intended to enable FEMA to get what they needed to aid in the recovery of Katrina. I'm sure the 63" TV really helped a lot of Katrina victims. I'm also pretty sure there has never been a Katrina victim within viewing distance of this TV, but NO ONE knows.
Did i mention the government was charged TWICE THE STICKER PRICE of the 20 boats? The boats probably were handy in recovering from a flood. But shouldn't the government get a good deal? Or was that doubled price shared between the FEMA agent and the Boat dealership 50/50?

FEMA’s Turn To Get Saved(Newsweek)
The Chronicle of Katrina's Tragic Aftermath Continued...(BNP)

As if Obama didn't have enough to do. Being the first non-Bushie to be in charge of the DHS will prove to take a LOT of time and effort in being reigned in and put under some sort of control with oversight.

THIS is whyipaytaxes.

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